Brookhaven History


Did you know Brookhaven is located in what was formerly Choctaw Indian territory? The Choctaws ceded the Brookhaven territory to the United States government in 1805 in the Treaty of Mount Dexter. The year after Mississippi was granted statehood the city of Brookhaven was settled in 1818 by Samuel Jayne from New York, who named it after the Town of Brookhaven on Long Island! Samuel Jayne migrated from New York with his brothers, Brewster and Anselm. Samuel Jayne established a trading post called “Old Brook” and a post office where the Bogue Chitto River and an old Choctaw Indian trail met.

The railroad came through Brookhaven in 1858, and connected Brookhaven with New Orleans to the south and Memphis to the north. Brookhaven is the county seat of Lincoln County, which was established in 1870 and was named in the honor of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th U.S. President.

Our city has a rich history and culture, and we can’t wait for you to come experience it for yourself!